Im so fucking tired of these communities in games like roblox, shit really anything who are such snowflakes. You can't even mention 1 fucking joke of something and then it becomes "bigotry" or "homophobia" or some bullshit and fuck roblox too you can't even make any war games with a hint of any modern war without it being taken down and probably your account being banned. Hell you can't even say "autistic" in roblox vc without a warning. You cant say damn or hell too in there. Fuck Roblox. Second off, this is specific and related to me of course, fuck nationstates. [country simulator]
Anyway just for all these places I try my best to find fun communities and do my best in them, potentially rise in the ranks and then it's always like "oh this is a perfect game/community!" and then they're some pro lgbtq or some shit like that and it pisses me off I can't find one single of these places without corruption or pro lgbtq or people being too soft. I'm soft myself I don't like any of some heartwrenching shit but seriously, you can't handle a slur? And it's always phrased to make YOU seem bad and they never get your pov. If it's a higher rank and your a moderator then you basically have to agree with their punishments even if it dumb. And im done cuz im too tired to continue yapping bye
anonymousOther September 30, 2024 at 8:37 pm20
The game had potential, but the super skinny jeans soysops who get offended or triggered at every word in the dictionary took it over, it seems. anonymous 2 weeks ago
yh its all been watered down to fit gen z's and "alphas" sensitivity. people in the war had thicker skin than half the kiddos nowadays anonymous 2 weeks ago
2 Rant Comments
The game had potential, but the super skinny jeans soysops who get offended or triggered at every word in the dictionary took it over, it seems.
anonymous 2 weeks ago
anonymous 2 weeks ago