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Fuck these communities

Fuck these communities

Im so fucking tired of these communities in games like roblox, shit really anything who are such snowflakes. You can't even mention 1 fucking joke of something and then it becomes "bigotry" or "homophobia" or some bullshit and fuck roblox too you can't even make any war games with a hint of any modern war without it being taken down and probably your account being banned. Hell you can't even say "autistic" in roblox vc without a warning. You cant say damn or hell too in there. Fuck Roblox. Second off, this is specific and related to me of course, fuck nationstates. [country simulator]
Anyway just for all these places I try my best to find fun communities and do my best in them, potentially rise in the ranks and then it's always like "oh this is a perfect game/community!" and then they're some pro lgbtq or some shit like that and it pisses me off I can't find one single of these places without corruption or pro lgbtq or people being too soft. I'm soft myself I don't like any of some heartwrenching shit but seriously, you can't handle a slur? And it's always phrased to make YOU seem bad and they never get your pov. If it's a higher rank and your a moderator then you basically have to agree with their punishments even if it dumb. And im done cuz im too tired to continue yapping bye
anonymous Other September 30, 2024 at 8:37 pm 0
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2 Rant Comments
"communities in games like roblox,"

The game had potential, but the super skinny jeans soysops who get offended or triggered at every word in the dictionary took it over, it seems.
anonymous 2 weeks ago
yh its all been watered down to fit gen z's and "alphas" sensitivity. people in the war had thicker skin than half the kiddos nowadays
anonymous 2 weeks ago
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