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Fat pig coworkers

Fat pig coworkers

I work with these fat pig coworkers and I basically am tired of them but don't have much choice. You see I need that job to pay for my education so I can be a civil engineer. When I graduate I will be happy to have start. They can go fuck themselves I won't be here for them putting up with their shit.
anonymous Work April 02, 2024 at 8:08 pm 0
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3 Rant Comments
You really shouldn't work with family members it's a bad combination. Calling your mom fat is pretty cruel though.
anonymous 5 months ago
^Scott always attacking women it's pretty low but for Scott I wouldn't expect better
anonymous 5 months ago
You still need to get some counselling Helen, your family are desperate now that your behaviour is becoming incredibly bizarre.
Yolanda 5 months ago
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