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Elmo Hitler must be deported, Fat Hitler must die

Elmo Hitler must be deported, Fat Hitler must die

Did anyone vote for alien Elmo Hitler? So why is this South African doing running/wrecking the country? Where are the Democrats? Why isn't anyone doing something to stop the end of US America?

Maggots, I regard you as the bacteria floating atop a puddle of diseased diarrhea. Your zombie hate cult is repulsive and disgusting. I don't believe in hell, but if I am wrong, the flames there will burn significantly brighter on the day you die.
anonymous Other February 06, 2025 at 5:18 am 0
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The grate folie a deux cannot be defeated until it has demolished all that we thought we knew so that we can see what it is that we think we see, then.
shmell 2 hours ago
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