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Elmo Hitler is a mass murderer

Elmo Hitler is a mass murderer

The unelected apartheid South African pale pile of shit is hell-bent on stealing money from the programs that help the poor and elderly so he can become the world's first trillionaire. Remember, this is a guy who never donated so much as $1 to any charity. Nothing.

This goddamned, greedy, selfish, racist, sociopathic, neo-Nazi subhuman has taken a sledgehammer to humanity. How many millions with die because of this white collar genocidal maniac? The life expectency in what is now the former US will drop precipitatiously. Elmo is a murderer.

anonymous Other February 08, 2025 at 5:02 pm 0
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Come on mods delete the spammers constantly repeating the same crap
anonymous 4 hours ago
How long will it be before the knuckle-dragging closet gay (Francis) posts his trademark dreary Chaz likes to suckā„¢? According to this schizophrenic with dozens of handles EVERYONE who doesn't obey his masters Fat & Elmo Hitler is Chaz. Francis is the bacteria that floats atop a puddle of diseased diarrhea.
anonymous 4 hours ago
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