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Documentaries suck ass now

Documentaries suck ass now

They're all edited to be like a reality show. Then they add in all the clicking sounds and VHS filter. It's especially baf when they put the VHS filter OVER VHS footage that didn't have lines and shit.

Old documentaries sucked because they would jjst be raw footage. Then the Michael Moore type where everything was in your face came along, now this mindless shit where it's like 10 meandering episodes and a bunch of white trash arguing.

And it's especially bad when it's some washed up celebrity acting like they aren't a piece of shit.
anonymous Other October 25, 2024 at 7:35 pm 0
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(R)(e)(b)(e)(c)(c)(a) (S)(l)(a)(t)(e)(r) (J)(i)(g)(g)(y)
(M)(a)(t)(t)(h)(e)(w) (C)(a)(s)(s)(e)(l)(l)(s) (D)(e)(a)(t)(h)(l)(y)(r)(a)(g)(e)

So what would (R)(e)(b)(e)(c)(c)(a) (S)(l)(a)(t)(e)(r) and (M)(a)(t)(t)(h)(e)(w) (C)(a)(s)(s)(e)(l)(l)(s) like for lunch today? Goat cheese perhaps?

Reddit user ****-of-Macedon had a threesome with (R)(e)(b)(e)(c)(c)(a) (S)(l)(a)(t)(e)(r), (J)(i)(g)(g)(y)
and (M)(a)(t)(t)(h)(e)(w) (C)(a)(s)(s)(e)(l)(l)(s), (D)(e)(a)(t)(h)(l)(y)(r)(a)(g)(e), the devs of Path of Titans. **** guzzled Matt's cuhm while he had one thumb stuck up (J)(i)(g)(g)(y)'s giant Saturn sized buhm.

(R)(e)(b)(e)(c)(c)(a) (S)(l)(a)(t)(e)(r)
190 Lees ave , Ottawa ON, K1S5L5

anonymous 2 hours ago
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