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Today I was REFUSED care at an urgent care center and I AM SUYING to HIGH HAVEN for a hypos law breech and refusal of care to me because I am POOR. I go there to SEE if I need to see a docter FIRST before I checked in for an appontement and end up having to pay OUT OF MY ASS for it incased my medecaid doesnt pay and that has happen to me before! i was having stomaec pains and these weird brown little balls in my shit and it hurtz when i go! i cant get into a regular docter for weeks because if you are POOR they dont care about you so i go to the urgent care place close to me since i dont gotta enuff gas to drive that far (thanks bidden and harris!) to go to the ER or other places! i go to the front counter and the stuck up FAT women who work there start on about checking me in and then i tell them what is going on and I ask them IF i should see a docter for that even of if it is nothing or something i can take care of at home or with like peptic bismo or something and instead these dum ass women who apposed to be MEDECAL train tell me I HAVE to talk to a docter first and they can't tell me if i should or shouldnt or what i can do that the docter gotta see me and only he can dieagnosed me! i tell them again that i want to make SHURE i need to be seen first so i don't find myself in a scene where i mite have to pay for this myself if my medecaid dont pay! they tell me they do except medecaid and i say I KNOW that, DUH, that is why i am here but i sometime they dont pay if it wasn't seen as nesassary so i need to find out FIRSt if that be something will PAY for if I do need it and if i dont then NO i cant be seen. they refuse to tell me and then refuse to even get a docter out there at the front so i can tell him what i have been going on with me and say he cant just give me infor in the waiting room i have to be a patent! i try over and over to tell them i cant be a patent if my medecaid wont pay and they mite not IF it wasnt needed and that is what i need to if the docter thinks it is needed. the dum bitches just keep saying over and over the same thing about how i have to be check in to see a doctor. it is like talking to a fucking birck walls! i told them i cant aford to pay if medecaid dont becaus they think it is needed! it is a SIMPLE thing just lemme talk to him for like two minutes to tell him so he can see what i mean but they wont! then some bitchy ass YOUNG nurse comes out all stuck up and arrowgant at me telling me that i need to calm down i need to check in or leave and i cant block the front desk and there are other patents and i need to make a choice rite then if i am going to be a patent and wate calm or i can leave! that go back and forth and the nurse wont even hear me out about wut is going on and then said she didn't even want to hear it it now and then some manager lady come out and say i had to left becuse i was making a scene! if i didn't leave they would call the police and then some rental cop walked me out and they said to to go to the ER! THEY CANT KICK ME OUT they HAVE to treat me and then it was more shit about caling the cops and telling me i am bANNED for 30 dayz!
anonymous Other October 22, 2024 at 3:35 pm 2
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