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demotivating people

demotivating people

its really tiring to have friends who would always want the easy way out regardless of the output(not that its a bad thing but things just keep happening and they often opt for it rather than putting in work). Whenever I get excited to do something, like a project that i know would take a lot of time and effort, they would always say how hard it would be because this that etc, that its not a practical option, and they would rather have their own leisure. I get it that we have different levels of being passionate but its really hard to be friends with people who always seem to complain even if nothing has happened yet. Like I would be happy and all to share about a project I personally wanted to do or to join a school organization/club then they would say "oh it might be hard when finals week arrive because of events and the paperwork, etc" and sometimes it feels like they're projecting/transferring their complaints on you. I wanted to go out of my comfort zone yet when i talk to them i feel like my light is being dimmed. its just really frustrating because i know i have the capabilities to do the things i wanted to do and I wanted to share it with them but the way they respond to felt like my energy being sucked. Instead of feeling happy, i would then overthink and think that yeah maybe they are right, that its not a practical option to do this project etc... it felt demotivating because of the support i recieved. I remember my other friend group from highschool we would always lift up each other and work on things with effort even if its hard, and in that short amount of time, I felt like I grew a lot, and learned a lot because we focused on what we currently have rather than overthink and complain about future problems.

its just frustrating because i dont want to continue being close with them but they are my thesis groupmates and we still need to finish our study.
anonymous Friends March 27, 2025 at 1:52 am 0
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