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Democrats abandon biden

Democrats abandon biden

Rats deserting a sinking ship.... I personally feel biden is being treated unfairly. I don't think he derves to get dumped. Like I'm a moderate I am happy with Trump or biden I didn't bother watching the debate but rho gives a fuck over one speech? Look at the overall picture good of bad? I think okay. You shallow fucking rats you are abandoning grandpa Joe. That's fucking cruel. I don't like hating on anyone but fuck leave him alone he won pre-election he's the candidate don't rat on him that's fucked if he did something really bad like started rolling a joint or something fucked maybe but it's just a debate
anonymous Political July 05, 2024 at 5:22 am 0
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this fishbowl was set up to fail. whoever these cronies are can have their crumbs back cause im done i want out of my "life" its not even my life to begin with if money and material items or grades from school seem to decide how much someone going to succeed even then its dystopian times we are in so i see no reason to want to add to this overflowing fishbowl that we are all stuck in.

the elites win. always. why bring children just to makr them continue to suffer the same exact shit over and over and over. people are so mf selfish.
bruh 3 days ago
The Ministry of Fear always wins.
anonymous 3 days ago
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