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So I'm a cadet engineer. My coworkers demanded I cut my study out of pettiness from 12 subjects to 6. Now I hire tutors many from impoverished countries, but talented people. I have helped lift them out of poverty as they teach me maths and physics, engineering. I have had a great team. But because of my coworkers jealousy I will have to cut my subjects to 6 that means my tutors get half the work. Now Natalie is a maths genius she lives with her sister and their family and her sister brings in coffee while she teaches me because Natalie helps their family put food on the table and she struggles despite being a genius. Than there is James he has 3 young children and a wife he just bought a brand new kia SUV, he was the only guy in his village not to drive one of those tricycles they are all from 3rd world countries and there is Sally she is a really talented young lady very astute. I changed the names obviously for their privacy but they are all from impoverished beginnings. I was told I got to tell them their dreams are dead. The big firms overlooked these people but I look at them I think these people are great they are brilliant. I told Natalie she's a genius. She was so shocked I could see she didn't know how to respond because she is used to nobody giving a fuck and now after they have taught me very well allowed me to keep my job while most failed in their moment of need my coworkers think they can get me to leave them out to dry. Well I know what I got to do I proceed full throttle. I can't do this to them I have become attached and this is profound cruelty. I know they are short of money I always try to be generous and reasonable. Worse part is lady from hr is Indian and so are my tutors. I feel she's showing profound cruelty in leaving these people suffer. I am white, and I feel it's cruel I can't do it. I will protect my Indians and none of my coworkers will harm them while I have a say. I feel this level of cruelty is evil not just because of what they are trying to do to me because of what they are trying to force me to do to them.
anonymous Work July 05, 2024 at 6:41 am 0
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