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American women self sabotage

American women self sabotage

"Facebook had some post comparing Bears to Men"

And another reason why straight American men are increasingly going with foreign brides, or just hiring a prostitute, or finding any other suitable alternative to a relationship to an American woman. And more and more American women are becoming criminal minded, insane, drugged out, emotionally unstable, and just downright ugly compared to their foreign counterparts. "Grrrl power;" "men are pigs!" "YADA YADA YADA". The aforementioned "Men vs bears" post is just indicive of the prevailing shitty attitude American women have tward men, and men are fed up with it And then American women find themselves lonely, old, and unable to get a man no matter what after all of those years of "grrrl power!". Joke's on them.
anonymous Other May 04, 2024 at 10:29 pm 1
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Bold of you to assume they're old and lonely.
anonymous 2 weeks ago
Right, a lot of them are young and lonely and fucked off all prospects for a decent man. I guess they are OK with men who will abuse them and most likely has a nice big felony record. And those men will end up going back to prison or failing that chasing some fresh tail. And the woman will still end up old and alone.
anonymous 2 weeks ago
". I guess they are OK with men"

Better way to put it is "I guess they will be OK to be forced to settle with men that are scummy and bottom of the barrel who will abuse them and ultimately leave them. Because they basically told the good, decent men to fuck off."
anonymous 2 weeks ago
I think this post is not entirely accurate. Lots of loser guys get woken but often it's loser women. High quality women usually have better taste but some are easy. S I really some high quality guys don't get w h at they want but they definitely have options. I've slept with ag least 20 or 30 women I mostly didn't want them. Some were okay some very attractive but not my type. I died them all bug I find it hard getting the girls suited to me. Because they are hard to get I'm hard to keep. I'll stay for a girl I want but don't have that but I get very attractive women tell me they would marry me. It's just how it is. You guys are probably just low quality guys.
anonymous 2 weeks ago
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