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ads on everything

ads on everything

every game has adverts that you need to pay for in order to remove

either i stop playing the game or refuse to pay for such a thing

digital games have replaced physical games but require more cash to play them or get extra features from them so whats the point in modern day entertainment?

its ridiculous
no one Other April 27, 2024 at 1:39 pm 0
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I'm very careful about games. I will spend a couple $$ once in awhile but only if I'm not bombarded with ads.
I uninstall games that overdo ads to the point where gameplay is affected. There isn't a single game on the internet that I will pay to remove ads. None. If the experience is counter-productive, I stop playing. Period.

I've been annoyed when a game I enjoy changes and suddenly there's a ton of ads. Bye bye. I just refuse to have my arm twisted that way.

Another thing that ads ruin is various apps that aren't even games. I've tried "calm" apps that are supposed to relax me and remove stress... it's so nice... and then BAM!! There's an ad! Wtf? Just WHY?

YouTube does it too. It's stupid how invasive advertising has become. I'm getting to the point where I have anxiety just thinking about logging in.

I understand WHY there are ads. I get it - and a normal flow is acceptable. But forcing ads too often is horrendous. The worst part is < AD > before even starting, then < AD > for every decision including interfering with timers or covering content so you cannot make selections or read instructions. And why would I want to see an ad for the game I'm playing??? Make it make sense!

Advertising sucks. Nobody can convince me otherwise.
anonymous 2 weeks ago
". I've tried "calm" apps that are supposed to relax me and remove stress... it's so nice... and then BAM!! There's an ad! Wtf? Just WHY? "


"Now think green meadows, chirping birds, breathe in slowly, breathe out an..IF YOU'VE BEEN IN AN ACCIDENT WELL LOOK AT THIS HUGE CHECK MY AMBULANCE CHASER WON FOR ME BLAH BLAH BLAH..." X{
anonymous 2 weeks ago
"I uninstall games that overdo ads to the point where gameplay is affected. "

And a lot of these games are just rehashes and redos of games that existed way back in the Commodore 64 days, and the old C64 did it much better. And others are blatantly designed to hit the right pleasure (addiction) centers of your brain, and get you to open your wallet wide so you can keep the high going. And some others are just code and asset rips of someone else's game with the ad money now going to the ripoff artists, or just quickly written buggy crap with little thought put behind it.

There are quite a few true gems, but they are floating around in a vast sea of junk which so many cellphone games are.
anonymous 2 weeks ago
thanks for the comments guys its just so frustrating i dont have any friends to play traditional board games with so this is my last resort. otherwise im eventually just going to die from isolation. i have tried non games and tried joining a quiz group online but they barely interacted with me and i was doing badly on the quizzes as they were too hard if you didnt care about the subjects.

modern society just fucking sucks, i hate it so much, every aspect of society these days is barely worth sticking around for and thus i cannot wait to pass away and be done with it.
no one 2 weeks ago
55 savushkina st saviors of lexions 2 weeks ago
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