There are YouTube videos where someone is supposedly making screen accurate recipes and they're so smug and full of themselves that it's always wrong.
Like he takes simple recipes from TV and movies and adds a million pretentious changes. Like if it's supposed to be Twinkies from Die Hard, it should be simple right? No. This doucher would buy angel cake, home made filling, and frosting (which Twinkies don't have) and drag the whole thing out and pretend his shit is exactly the same as what was on screen.
He did one on grilled cheese made on a radiator, like the meme from The Sopranos. Obviously if someone actually did make grilled cheese in jail it would likely be with low grade 99 cent bread, butter pack, and fake cheese. Doucher on YouTube used thick douchebag bread and did it all wrong. Of fucking course it's not going to taste good.
I wish these retards would get off of the internet.
Binging with Babish sucks assOther March 16, 2025 at 11:51 am01
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