best dating

you’re not understanding

you’re not understanding

i’m just upset. living at home is truly the worst time to be at home when you’re dating someone. i can’t drive , she lives too far for me to even try to visit if i wanted too. there are too many thoughts in my head and i can’t think straight, i wish i can just get up and go to you but i can’t and why don’t you understand that? i wish my parents were accepting on dating the same gender, if only you can understand from MY perspective. i’m not just putting it off cause i want too, it’s because im scared. im scared that they’ll find out and kick me out. i’m scared of living without them since im so financially dependent on them. i don’t know what to do, im so scared of being kicked out . there’s a reason for why i can’t go downtown everyday, there’s a reason why i can’t just visit your city, it’s not as easy as that. stop saying you understand me WHEN YOU CLEARLY ARENT. you know my issues and yet your choose to always ask me when we’re meeting next. why can’t your understand on I DONT KNOW. i hate saying that to you but i haven’t reached my chapter for when we can meet. i wish i can just get up and go to you but i can’t. i’m just too scared. you’ve seen how i talk about my parents yet you still ask. i have my own life too, i can’t even blame you, i just have too many emotions i can’t handle right now and it’s making me upset. i wanna just wake up next to you but the reality is i might be stuck at home until school starts and i don’t want that no matter what. you don’t understand what i’m going through. even though i say im bored and do nothing, you’re not understanding my situation at all.
anonymous Dating May 29, 2024 at 1:10 am 0
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