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You know a show is dead

You know a show is dead

When the seasons keep getting pushed back further, and there are less episodes each year. Just fucking end the show already. It's lazy and selfish that you fucks can't even do YOUR JOB and get episodes out. It's also sickening how both South Park and Always Sunny have work environments where it's basically like a little cult, where the shows creators get their asses kissed, and it's just like the "cool kids" from grade school, in their own little world.

No one wants to wait 2 and a half years to see a halfassed South Park "special" about some societal issue, where all of the characters force leftist politics on the audience and even fucking Cartman is liberal now.

Whoever is supposed to adjust the character's voices on a computer does a shit job, so none of them sound like how they are supposed to. The show attempts to compensate for being shit by having an "HD" look to it, which just comes across as cheap. It's like when live action shows have so much lighting, it looks like you're at a funeral.

Always Sunny and South Park are NOT these underground things. South Park never fucking was, but at one time it was at least funny. Always Sunny was sort of a cult show in it's first years, now hipster dipshits who were too young for it when it first aired, like to act like it's some show only watched by like three people. It's not. It's basically like when a band starts out and is sort of only liked by true fans, then it reaches a point where the music starts playing at the grocery store, it's not badass anymore.
anonymous Other January 24, 2025 at 12:45 pm 0
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