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You Atheist need to stop listening to Christians

You Atheist need to stop listening to Christians

Look I get it you don't believe in God, either because you have seen some of the worst things happen on this planet or some lame ass shoved religion in your face but realize one thing God cannot step in every time we make mistakes and save us if he did we would be no better than a slave and that is something we will never be. Put aside that hate you have in you for one moment and realize one thing just because you do not believe in God does not mean he does not believe in you....and that alone in the end may pave your way home. The only people that Christians put it...Burn in hell are the people you see on the news and on tv that kill, abuse and hurt innocent people they showed no Mercy towards people in Life they will find none in death. I'm not saying you HAVE to believe in God you are your own person and have the right to believe in what ever you want all I am saying is keep an open Mind and just hold a little hope in your heart that their is a God because that small seed of hope is all it takes....I know Im going to get hate for this post but in the end we all deserve the right to go home and God does not turn his back on his children even when they have turned their backs on him. This world is the way it is because no one wants to fix it but in a way that is good because when it gets to the point where its so bad it cant be fixed you may be surprised as to who returns in the end.
anonymous Religion September 26, 2024 at 7:31 pm 0
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i dont believe in heaven or hell but i do believe in revenge - wednesday addams
anonymous 3 hours ago
The WORD will deliver us. Go Forth
Pdre 1 hour ago
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