I have lately gained like 5 pounds without trying. I am very worried. I have to now exercise and diet very hard. It is stress. Stress can cause me to eat the wrong things and eat more.
I was extremely tired today because I had to wake up at 5 a.m. I felt that I cannot carry on anymore. Whenever, I feel like that, I take a 2 hour nap. Naps change perspectives. Sleep deprivation is not good.
I have to take better care of myself so that I can be there for my brother. He is the only person I really care about. He is a very good person. He is a better person than me.
Stress, sleep, weight, diet and exercise are all interrelated.
Werewolf SallyOther March 18, 2025 at 7:17 pm00
Negative stress is often self created. Only focus on the things you can control. Don't nap when stressed, walk. Walk at a good pace, listen to a podcast that lifts your spirit, tackle tasks in 15 minute intervals. And by all means, stay off the internet. It will make a sane person crazy in 30 seconds flat. Voice of reason 7 hours ago
Stress makes me lose weight.... I lost 20lbs last month... anonymous 6 hours ago
2 Rant Comments
Voice of reason 7 hours ago
anonymous 6 hours ago