If you go into work and gossip about everyone else, you are a loser.
If you go into work and pretend to be friends with the boss and air all of your dirty laundry. Loser.
If everyone at the job knows your life story because you won't shut about it. Loser.
If you shun and gossip about the people who aren't like you and try to keep a low profile. Loser.
If you think you know everything and talk shit about how no one else at the job knows how to do things right. Super, asskissing, two-faced, loser who has been there for too long.
HRWork January 23, 2025 at 11:01 am30
YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! PREACH, HR, PREACH!!!!!!! That is what happened to both of us. So this woman, the nasty fat slob who acted still to this day nice and trusting so that you could blab all your secrets to her that she'd tell rando strangers, and would give obviously shitty food to us and especially to our bosses, one who is still there. Anyway, point being, to get this outta the way, we were both laid off by the new contracting company in the fed gov department where I temporarily still work at only a couple of days a week until transferred to my new position where it's full time and more pay. Anyway, broad above, all she could do was asskiss. Said gross shit like her gooey periods, if they were heavy or not, squeeze her head tumor, and also fucked up our mail budget by mailing hundreds of pieces of mail certified return receipt instead of regular class. Our contract boss had a field day with my immediate boss. But also, because my boss loves asskissers over actual competent workers, all it took was this blob to give her doughnuts and some condiments to my boss before she was happy. Anyway, that couldn't save her because for all that, her shitty job performance overriode that and my corrupt boss ended up getting her laid off and me with lies like insubordinate, confrontational, argumentative, etc. From the other HR executive tasked to this contract. But after that woman did more talking to other people, I was the best most dependable worker. So she told my current boss to tolerate me and treat me professionally or quit herself. The only thing that saved me was just doing the job and doing other things for the down time, none of them involving dissing co workers and asskissing. So while my boss shows visible hate towards me for overcoming her amateur backstab plan because I did not do what you rant about, I got rewarded for it. So just to let you know, it'll get better and although stressful, hold your ground. Proof positive here things will get better in the long run for you. I wish you the best for this new year. anonymous 1 month ago
Spineless corrupt bosses will throw anyone aside to save themselves. They are never anyone's friends, and that's what I find so satisfying about when ass-kissers get what they have coming to them. Despite the praise and sticks of gum and doughnuts, they are just as disposable as anyone else. I never kissed ass and never will. anonymous 1 month ago
^I GENUINELY WISH there were more people like you. Did you know when I was a boss, within a couple of years I stopped doing it and went back to just being a regular grunt for less money because I was in the middle of a shit sandwich: Suckups unabashedly and transparently not even trying to kiss my ass, but be a human bidet and TONGUE WIPE it, me having to say 10 per 1 words to not corporately offend the bitches doing this, and the ones I warned and naturally had proof of the firing option, that I was gonna use it and tried to, the boss above me stopped it because they knew ass kiss to the top, then not problems at the bottom. Then I was nicknamed the Hard-Asshole, and that was when I said the stress and frustration was no where near enough to get that pittance of money. Let me do actual work so I did. So don't try and be a boss. You'll have incompetent ass kissers infesting where you work and making your mission there alot harder to achieve and even more annoying. I'll never be a boss as long as I live. Not fucking worth it at all. anonymous 1 month ago
But what if the gossip is about a person who doesnt do their job, gets drunk, smells like booze, creeps on men and women at the college and smells like cat piss, wears the same clothes over and over, says he has 3 nursing degrees and has a iq 190. But he got fired from his nursing job, and is unable to keep jobs. Lost 9 jobs in 2 months.
We will talk about him and we bring him up all the time.
I can lift that, what you think i am, jake? anonymous 1 month ago
4 Rant Comments
anonymous 1 month ago
anonymous 1 month ago
anonymous 1 month ago
We will talk about him and we bring him up all the time.
I can lift that, what you think i am, jake?
anonymous 1 month ago