I am so sick of this crybaby bullshit from people of "Ohhhh. I ghotta go back into physical work. I haven't been in an office in over 4 years" STFU. Covid pandemic is over. During the pandemic I was working 40 hours a week, while going to school, and had to deal with all kinds of shit. My home life was chaotic and unstable and I always feared homelessness, my boss was using drugs and made employees lives hell, and I had to wait on drunk/drug addicted fuck up losers who acted like the world was theres because they weren't having to work and had stimulus money to blow. So, I don't want to hear how the spoiled assholes working cushy $45,000 a year office jobs got to work from home during the pandemic, and now almost half a fucking decade later are expected to go back (thank you Trump) and how they don't like it. Fuck you.
anonymousWork March 14, 2025 at 3:49 pm15
That response is either a troll or some spoiled ass liberal arts college trust fund kid seriously comparing you being tired of people getting a free ride, to the fucking holocaust. anonymous 3 hours ago
People don't have a free ride. You are just someone who wants anyone who doesn't share your beliefs to suffer as much as possible. You project your victim mentality onto others and the only thing you contribute to the world is mouth farts and more suffering. anonymous 3 hours ago
Don't pretend to be a decent person when you cheer on torture like a deranged lunatic. You need orange pompoms and a skirt for being Trump's personal cheerleader anonymous 3 hours ago
Stfu up James and go smell daddy's bloodstained armpits anonymous 3 hours ago
Constant trump references and virtue signaling. We have officially entered Redditor territory. Telling me I have a victim mentality, while comparing your privileged ass problems of no longer being able to work from home to the holocaust. STFU rich brat. anonymous 3 hours ago
You can't deny you enjoy the suffering of others and it's the sole source of happiness in your life. Instead of getting therapy you would rather pass on your pain to others. anonymous 3 hours ago
I didn't so holocaust I said nazi. Nazis existed before and after the holocaust. They all have one thing in common. The fervent desire to make others suffer for whatever excuses they can come up with because they get off on it due to being pathological sadists anonymous 3 hours ago
Who actually gives a fucking shit about your jealousy OP? Working at home is working and $45k is not a princely salary. Why not get your GED and get a better job instead of whining? But hey! Thanks for upvoting your own post. anonymous 3 hours ago
Why don't you see one for everything you're projecting here? You love to talk down to others and randomly call them all kinds of things. Where are the Trump and Holocaust references? Are you going to compare remote workers being forced to go back, to that of what happened to Jewish people in WW2? Wanna really pretend things are the same? anonymous 3 hours ago
Can't wait for another hasty 10 replies. I'm not talking to spoiled rich brats anymore. Go and see the new Snow White next week. It'll be right up your alley. anonymous 3 hours ago
You don't have to have participated in a holocaust to have nazi ideology and you have it in spades. Have you ever helped anyone if there wasn't something in it for you? Someone with a different view? We both know that answer is no. anonymous 3 hours ago
I am not rich and I'm not talking down. I am calling you out for wishing suffering on others. I never compared it to the holocaust that's your Schtick. In admitting in being a Trump supporter you support nazi ideals by default. anonymous 3 hours ago
Hitler and the Nazis considered Jews to be an inferior race of people, who set out to weaken other races and take over the world. Hitler believed that Jews were particularly destructive to the German ‘Aryan’ race, and did not have any place in Nazi Germany.
Hitler also wanted to rid Germany of the disabled, homosexuals, Roma and Sinti, and other minorities that did not fit in to his idea of an Aryan race. The Nazis labelled these groups ‘ a-social ’.
Hitler was an extreme nationalist , believing the German ‘Aryan’ race should dominate. His expansionist policies sought Lebensraum for the German people. Hitler wanted to create a generation of young Aryans who were physically fit and totally obedient through programmes such as Hitler Youth. He believed these policies would unite Germany and ensure it was the strongest nation on earth.
Hitler developed and publicised all of these ideas in his books, Mein Kampf (1925) and Zweites Buch (1928), and speeches throughout his time in power. anonymous 3 hours ago
The parallels between Trumpism and Nazi ideology are complex and controversial. While Trump supporters are not a monolithic group, certain beliefs within the MAGA movement echo themes found in Nazi ideology, particularly in nationalism, authoritarianism, and scapegoating. Below are ten areas of overlap:
1. Ultranationalism and "America First" Rhetoric
Trump supporters often emphasize extreme nationalism, promoting the idea that the United States should prioritize itself above all others. Similarly, Nazi ideology was built on German supremacy, advocating for the interests of "true" Germans while excluding or oppressing others. Both movements push a narrative that their nation has been weakened by external and internal enemies, reinforcing an “us vs. them” mentality.
2. Scapegoating Minority Groups
Nazis blamed Jews, communists, and other marginalized groups for Germany’s problems, portraying them as enemies of the state. Many Trump supporters similarly blame immigrants, Muslims, and other minorities for economic and social issues, often amplifying conspiracy theories about these groups being responsible for America’s decline. The use of terms like "invaders" and "criminals" to describe immigrants mirrors Nazi rhetoric about outsiders corrupting the nation.
3. Anti-Democratic and Authoritarian Tendencies
Trump supporters have shown a willingness to undermine democratic institutions, such as calling for the overturning of election results and supporting efforts to weaken checks and balances. This aligns with Nazi ideology, which rejected democratic governance in favor of a centralized authoritarian leader. Both movements have a strong “leader cult,” where loyalty to a singular figure (Hitler in Nazi Germany, Trump in MAGA politics) is prioritized over democratic norms.
4. Cult of Personality and Strongman Leadership
Nazis revered Hitler as a near-messianic figure, portraying him as the sole savior of Germany. Many Trump supporters similarly see Trump as the only person capable of restoring American greatness, rejecting criticism of him even when it contradicts their stated values. Both movements dismiss accusations against their leader as propaganda, labeling opposition as disloyal or treasonous.
5. Disdain for Intellectualism and the Press
The Nazis aggressively targeted intellectuals, scientists, and journalists, branding them as enemies of the people who spread lies and corrupt ideology. Trump has consistently attacked the media, calling it "fake news" and "the enemy of the people." Many of his supporters embrace alternative sources of information that reinforce their worldview while rejecting established institutions, just as Nazi supporters turned to state-controlled propaganda.
6. Myth of National Decline and the Need for Purification
Both Trumpism and Nazism rely on the idea that their nation has been corrupted and must be "cleansed" to return to greatness. The Nazis sought racial purity, while Trump supporters push a vision of American identity that excludes immigrants, LGBTQ+ individuals, and non-Christians. The rhetoric around "making America great again" echoes Hitler’s promise to restore Germany to its former glory by eliminating "undesirable" elements.
7. Militarization of Civilian Groups and Political Violence
Nazi ideology encouraged paramilitary groups like the SA (Brownshirts) to enforce political loyalty and suppress opposition through intimidation and violence. In a similar vein, Trump has encouraged groups like the Proud Boys and other far-right militias, often downplaying their violent actions or even endorsing their activities. The January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol demonstrated how political violence is tolerated and even celebrated by segments of the Trump base.
8. Opposition to Leftist and Progressive Movements
Nazis persecuted communists, socialists, and labor unions, seeing them as existential threats to their nationalist project. Trump supporters often express deep hostility toward left-wing movements like Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ+ rights activists, and socialists, portraying them as radical threats to American values. Policies that benefit the working class or redistribute wealth are often equated with “Marxism,” just as the Nazis vilified social democracy.
9. Revisionist History and Mythologizing the Past
The Nazis rewrote German history to fit their ideological goals, erasing inconvenient truths and glorifying a fictional past. Similarly, Trump supporters push historical revisionism, such as downplaying slavery, defending Confederate monuments, and denying systemic racism. The push for "patriotic education" and bans on critical race theory reflect an attempt to control historical narratives in a way that aligns with nationalist ideology.
10. Suppressing Political Dissent and Criminalizing Opposition
The Nazis imprisoned political opponents, using state power to silence dissent. While the U.S. is not at that level, Trump and his supporters have frequently called for the jailing of political enemies, such as Hillary Clinton and political protesters. Efforts to criminalize protest movements, label Antifa as a terrorist organization, and suppress voting rights all echo tactics used by authoritarian regimes to consolidate power.
While Trumpism is not identical to Nazism, the ideological parallels in nationalism, authoritarianism, and scapegoating are undeniable. The danger lies in how these beliefs can evolve, as history has shown that authoritarian movements often begin with rhetoric before escalating into more extreme actions.
anonymous 3 hours ago
You're an angry loser who can't stand the idea that not everyone has it as bad as you do, OP. And it's your fault that you have a shitty job bagging groceries. Instead of looking for scapegoats to blame your abysmal life choices on, why not take responsibility for your shitty life choices for once in your wretched life? And calling me a liberal professor doesn't fly. That's just you looking for more excuses for being the World's Biggest Loser. Fuck off, angry little man. anonymous 3 hours ago
17 Rant Comments
anonymous 3 hours ago
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anonymous 3 hours ago
anonymous 3 hours ago
Hitler also wanted to rid Germany of the disabled, homosexuals, Roma and Sinti, and other minorities that did not fit in to his idea of an Aryan race. The Nazis labelled these groups ‘ a-social ’.
Hitler was an extreme nationalist , believing the German ‘Aryan’ race should dominate. His expansionist policies sought Lebensraum for the German people. Hitler wanted to create a generation of young Aryans who were physically fit and totally obedient through programmes such as Hitler Youth. He believed these policies would unite Germany and ensure it was the strongest nation on earth.
Hitler developed and publicised all of these ideas in his books, Mein Kampf (1925) and Zweites Buch (1928), and speeches throughout his time in power.
anonymous 3 hours ago
1. Ultranationalism and "America First" Rhetoric
Trump supporters often emphasize extreme nationalism, promoting the idea that the United States should prioritize itself above all others. Similarly, Nazi ideology was built on German supremacy, advocating for the interests of "true" Germans while excluding or oppressing others. Both movements push a narrative that their nation has been weakened by external and internal enemies, reinforcing an “us vs. them” mentality.
2. Scapegoating Minority Groups
Nazis blamed Jews, communists, and other marginalized groups for Germany’s problems, portraying them as enemies of the state. Many Trump supporters similarly blame immigrants, Muslims, and other minorities for economic and social issues, often amplifying conspiracy theories about these groups being responsible for America’s decline. The use of terms like "invaders" and "criminals" to describe immigrants mirrors Nazi rhetoric about outsiders corrupting the nation.
3. Anti-Democratic and Authoritarian Tendencies
Trump supporters have shown a willingness to undermine democratic institutions, such as calling for the overturning of election results and supporting efforts to weaken checks and balances. This aligns with Nazi ideology, which rejected democratic governance in favor of a centralized authoritarian leader. Both movements have a strong “leader cult,” where loyalty to a singular figure (Hitler in Nazi Germany, Trump in MAGA politics) is prioritized over democratic norms.
4. Cult of Personality and Strongman Leadership
Nazis revered Hitler as a near-messianic figure, portraying him as the sole savior of Germany. Many Trump supporters similarly see Trump as the only person capable of restoring American greatness, rejecting criticism of him even when it contradicts their stated values. Both movements dismiss accusations against their leader as propaganda, labeling opposition as disloyal or treasonous.
5. Disdain for Intellectualism and the Press
The Nazis aggressively targeted intellectuals, scientists, and journalists, branding them as enemies of the people who spread lies and corrupt ideology. Trump has consistently attacked the media, calling it "fake news" and "the enemy of the people." Many of his supporters embrace alternative sources of information that reinforce their worldview while rejecting established institutions, just as Nazi supporters turned to state-controlled propaganda.
6. Myth of National Decline and the Need for Purification
Both Trumpism and Nazism rely on the idea that their nation has been corrupted and must be "cleansed" to return to greatness. The Nazis sought racial purity, while Trump supporters push a vision of American identity that excludes immigrants, LGBTQ+ individuals, and non-Christians. The rhetoric around "making America great again" echoes Hitler’s promise to restore Germany to its former glory by eliminating "undesirable" elements.
7. Militarization of Civilian Groups and Political Violence
Nazi ideology encouraged paramilitary groups like the SA (Brownshirts) to enforce political loyalty and suppress opposition through intimidation and violence. In a similar vein, Trump has encouraged groups like the Proud Boys and other far-right militias, often downplaying their violent actions or even endorsing their activities. The January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol demonstrated how political violence is tolerated and even celebrated by segments of the Trump base.
8. Opposition to Leftist and Progressive Movements
Nazis persecuted communists, socialists, and labor unions, seeing them as existential threats to their nationalist project. Trump supporters often express deep hostility toward left-wing movements like Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ+ rights activists, and socialists, portraying them as radical threats to American values. Policies that benefit the working class or redistribute wealth are often equated with “Marxism,” just as the Nazis vilified social democracy.
9. Revisionist History and Mythologizing the Past
The Nazis rewrote German history to fit their ideological goals, erasing inconvenient truths and glorifying a fictional past. Similarly, Trump supporters push historical revisionism, such as downplaying slavery, defending Confederate monuments, and denying systemic racism. The push for "patriotic education" and bans on critical race theory reflect an attempt to control historical narratives in a way that aligns with nationalist ideology.
10. Suppressing Political Dissent and Criminalizing Opposition
The Nazis imprisoned political opponents, using state power to silence dissent. While the U.S. is not at that level, Trump and his supporters have frequently called for the jailing of political enemies, such as Hillary Clinton and political protesters. Efforts to criminalize protest movements, label Antifa as a terrorist organization, and suppress voting rights all echo tactics used by authoritarian regimes to consolidate power.
While Trumpism is not identical to Nazism, the ideological parallels in nationalism, authoritarianism, and scapegoating are undeniable. The danger lies in how these beliefs can evolve, as history has shown that authoritarian movements often begin with rhetoric before escalating into more extreme actions.
anonymous 3 hours ago
anonymous 3 hours ago