Bitch, Women have forgotten how to act as women when you all are on here complaining about men and yet when a man complains about women you sexist cunts can't take it.
All you retarded cunts do is whine and complain about how men can't get the jobs done like I don't see any of you cunts getting the job done either.
You whores leave all of the nice guys in the friendzone and commplain about where they all are.
Bitch you clearly have shit for brains.
I hate all women and would rather slit a bitch's throat than kiss her.
May all women be subjcted to mass genocide.
IHATEALLWOMENPolitical March 29, 2025 at 8:50 am12
When the incel uses "friend zone" she's not interested in you, get over it. Try your mom or sister. anonymous 2 days ago
Be a "man" and join a war and get shot up a few times.
Remember men are the ones that invented war. So go get killed for your country. That's what real men do.
Not bitch and complain they aren't getting sex.
Mr I hate all women... Pftt
Fucking virgin Incel.
Get a gun, aim it to the back of your throat and pull the trigger. Please kill yourself op 2 days ago
Okay stop pushing your democrat women hate you incel loser. Thats enough. You treat women with some respect or I punch your face in and knock your teeth out. Go fuck your union buddies stay away from the girls or i will do to you worse then what you do to them. I'm 193cm tall too big dick I'll ram it up your ass and make you choke on it if you try to speak to women like that gay boy. Then i will strip you naked tied up outside to a pole. anonymous 2 days ago
3 Rant Comments
anonymous 2 days ago
Remember men are the ones that invented war. So go get killed for your country. That's what real men do.
Not bitch and complain they aren't getting sex.
Mr I hate all women... Pftt
Fucking virgin Incel.
Get a gun, aim it to the back of your throat and pull the trigger.
Please kill yourself op 2 days ago
anonymous 2 days ago