I immediately had feelings for you, and think it was the same on your end. We had a thing, but didn't have a thing. Then you got with someone. Then that fizzled. Then I felt like you were wanting to use me, then you made effort that I now realize was probably genuine, and nothing ever materialized because I wasn't having it.
You were and still are my 2nd love. But I have to be honest too. You remind me of my mother, and I think that is part of why I fell for you. The really obvious psychos who are like my mother I can't stand right away, the ones who are how they are without any reservations and think it's funny. But, the more manipulative types who make you doubt yourself for doubting them, those are the ones who I feel for and that's how you were in my sights. I know I saw that in you.
You were fake. I sensed and saw that. Didn't like that. I hate fake. You always complained about someone. Always some sort of drama. Judgmental like my mother, and I think part of me wanted your unconditional approval. Like if I could get your approval, then it would somehow fix the broken relationship with my mother and I. The brain is a stupid thing in what it does.
Despite my feelings, I had a bad feeling about you. I saw these red flags in you. Didn't realize the similarities between you and my mom until years later. But a lot of other things I saw.
I think you were an intelligent girl. I think we came from a similar background, but unlike me, you got to be comfortable in it, and didn't want to make any efforts at doing any better. In other words, you choose to piss it away and made the wrong choices and went down a bad path. And I have told myself that if I would have ever been like my dad, it would have been with you.
If we did actually officially have a thing, I probably would have ended up in a shit situation just like him. I never would have gotten away from the shit I worked so hard to get away from. You were already doing all kinds of bad shit before we met, and I know I wouldn't have been able to change that. And you probably would have thought I was boring for not acting like a retard.
I highly doubt we would have been able to had gotten together and truly build each other up. For us to had both forged a life together and to had spent so many years getting things established and working through the shit that was dealt to us. Would have been beautiful if that could have happened, but it takes two to tango. I ended up doing that shit on my own, while you choose to basically follow in the footsteps of our parents and I think you're realizing and paying for your mistakes now.
You looked like Winona Ryder, and I used to think she was really beautiful and I know it was just because of you. Now, I'm seeing it less and less. I still can think of the idea of you being this beautiful, deep, intelligent, strong, sincere person. But, it was I think really who you could have been or could still be if you just got your head out of your ass. See. Captain Save-A-Ho over here. This perception of her never existed. I realize that. The end.
anonymousCrushes March 29, 2025 at 3:11 am03
If it's because of looks because you immediately had feeling for her. That yall had a thing. You talk about being together and buling her up and bulding you up. And you think that she's beautiful you are wrong. Shallow and vain because looks are not a reason to have a thing with someone. To get together and buld them up and them be beautiful and you shouldn't and don't have to have looks for someone to have a thing with you because or get together with you or have someone bulid you up or build them ip or be beautiful. Anonymous 2 days ago
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Anonymous 2 days ago