The cute, sexy girl who has personality that downplays her looks because she's not shallow. OMG look at her wearing sunglasses and chewing bubble gum, not like the others! It's all fake. On movies and in real life.
Like even in real life, Winona Ryder isn't like the characters she played.
I had a crush on this girl who looked like Winona when I was in college. She liked me and we hung out at school, but I had a feeling. Turns out keeping a distance probably saved me a lot of headache and negative impact, because that girl turned out to be trouble.
I'm old enough now to stop having crushes on basic boring bitches who are all about playing into this false archetype. In other words some bland ass girl who dyes her hair and wears a Hot Topic shirt just to pretend she's not like the others. Ughh.
anonymousCrushes March 15, 2025 at 7:12 pm00
It's so exciting to meet a unique woman with unique personality but they are so few and far between. Women are like parrots, they are just mimicking what they see on SM, TV and their friends. There's really nothing to them. The next chick you are attracted to, take away your sexual interest, all the hair, all the makeup and would you really be interested? If being honest, the answer is usually no Dr Cho 14 hours ago
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Dr Cho 14 hours ago