My brother is an asshole and my family refuses to see it. Before he passed, our grandfather slowly declined in health. He loved all his grandkids, but he especially loved me and my brother. We always told my brother, you need to come by, you need to talk to grandfather, he’s going to be gone soon, just come stop by and check on him. Brother rarely did. After grandfather passed, we ask brother to come check on grandmother every once in a while. Just stop by and ask her how she’s doing. Never does.
Our father has had a slew of health problems recently. I call my brother, I text him, BEGGING him to help me take care of our dad, I can’t do it myself, not when my coworkers have a hissy fit whenever I take a day off. Just CALL our dad. That’s all I’m asking. Brother still acts like our parents and our family doesn’t exist. But oh, when he needs something, he sure knows how to lay on the guilt trip. He’s told my niece that our parents don’t love her just because they wanted him to cut the grass at his own house, or they want him to pay his own property tax.
At my nephew’s graduation, he demanded that I give him everyone’s contact information so they could send graduation invites. Most of the family couldn’t make it, but sent nephew presents. None of them got a thank you card or even a call.
Whenever we ask him to help out, he goes “Well, I can’t do anything, I’m on call for work all the time.” But when his wife’s side of the family needs him, he drops everything. Even when I had major surgery, his father in law became more important than his own sister.
I’m so stressed out. Between me being the only person who works at my job, and my family needing me to take care of them, I can feel my heart rate changing and see my hair falling out in clumps.
Then my aunts and uncles have the nerve to tell me I need to ask my brother to help. YOU ask him to help. And even though I’m the one taking care of my family, I still hear them say “Oh, you took care of your parents? I guess you aren’t a terrible person.” WHAT?
Not the only kid in the family hereOther September 05, 2024 at 12:47 am00
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