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War games suck

War games suck

I've been playing this stupid game for two weeks (approximately) and it's so unbalanced it isn't funny. There's basically no upper limit to how strong a player can get and if you lose in combat (and sometimes even if you win), the other player takes part of your soldiers as prisoners of war and uses them to work their mines. There are players who attack you even if they get 1 prisoner per attack, just because they can. It doesn't matter if there are other players that they would get more resources out of attacking, they don't care about the resources, they are just asshats. And the top players have a guild of 7 people and they're starting to get so tough that I can't even touch them without training 200 soldiers and it's not even worth it because then I get attacked 50 times and end up with no soldiers left. They will fucking spam you with attacks until you have nothing left. Then if you take money out of the bank to make a purchase, they will instantly attack you and you can't buy the thing you were going for.
anonymous Computers January 23, 2025 at 5:23 pm 0
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2 Rant Comments
This just sounds like Saddam Hussein complaining about real life international military politics. If you're being cock blocked by a guild in the game so you can't play properly, the best move is to infiltrate and fuck up the guild.
anonymous 1 month ago
Or play a different game. Maybe it's a huge waste of time to mess with some guild in a random game. It depends what is more fun for you.
anonymous 1 month ago
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