I have never been one to single someone out based on their race, but ever since moving to a new state that has a lot of muslim women in hijabs, I have grown increasingly less tolerable for their low intelligence. At my job, where I have been a manager for years, they constantly come to my work and all order the same drink every time, and every time they want to argue with employees on how much ice is in their drink...ICE. Not a simple "hey can i have some ice taken out?" but literally arguing over the amount of ice when we have 10 minutes before closing. I have noticed this pattern that muslim women are always wanting to argue, not sure if thats because of what little say they have in their culture or family, over the littlest things. And before anyone says that it must be from the way i am as a person, or the way i am treating them, there have been more cases at my work of these women arguing with my employees, mostly girls, than with me; so the issue is not stemming from me or getting instigated from me. I assume they just want to argue with good looking, independent, strong women because there whole lives they have no say; and refuse to stand up for themselves but cry about how oppressed they are. Go live in your cultures country and see how privileged you really are here. I hate that they always need to act as if the slightest inconvenience is their biggest issue in life, maybe go back to your country and humble yourself on how easy you have it being a women in a culture that doesnt make you work or do anything but lay around with towels covering every inch of you.
And on top of that they always have to pay with several cards because none of them ever have more than 20$ in their bank account. And the worst part is that when they want to argue with me, I can't even look them in the eye because they have 3 different scarves and towels covering their face. News flash, just because you have several curtains covering your body doesnt mean i can't see that you are overweight and have acne scars pouring through the drapes covering your face.
I will have absolutely no respect for people who willingly give away their freedom and cover their whole body simply because they are told to. For anyone calling me racist or saying they wear hijabs for their culture, look it up on reddit and see how many of these women hate being forced to wear something for their whole life. The only muslim women i have ever been able to actually have respect for as a person are those who stopped forcing themselves to be dressed a certain way; that is a strong women.
But ever since i moved to an area that is super religious with many of these "women" I have had nothing but bad experiences with them. I genuinely feel so bad for these people who think that they are so strong and independent, but then cry nonstop about how much they are being forced to dress a certain way. You let yourself be forced into covering your whole body, hate yourself for it, and then expect pity from people who you are rude to and say that I am racist or singling you out? Go stand up for yourself for once in your miserable, run-by-a-man, covering your every inch of your body life: and maybe just maybe people will actually start to tolerate you people.
anonymousReligion March 22, 2025 at 1:05 am10
The thing is, it's become acceptable for other cultures to hate Americans. Yet if an American criticizes anyone for their shitty behavior, then they are automatically deemed racist. It's retarded, just like this shit where people (usually white) love to shout from the rooftops how offensive and hurtful something is to another culture. Basically, spoiled stupid assholes trying to deflect their own shit onto everyone else. If this post doesn't get deleted and/or filled with your typical copy and paste spam comments, expect Reddit level retards to tell you how wrong they think you are. Meanwhile, they've probably never worked customer service or understand anything of how shit really is. anonymous 4 hours ago
This would would be much better without religion. At least at this point I can't see it getting much worse without it. anonymous 1 hour ago
This world would be much better without religion. At least at this point I can't see it getting much worse if religion were to go away. anonymous 1 hour ago
Same violent, fascist God figure only with a different beard. Fuck religion. anonymous 1 hour ago
4 Rant Comments
anonymous 4 hours ago
anonymous 1 hour ago
anonymous 1 hour ago
anonymous 1 hour ago