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You're kinda like Rapunzel except instead of letting down your hair you let down everyone in your life.
Anonymous Other September 25, 2024 at 6:02 am 4
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3 Rant Comments
this is funny. i needed a laugh and this was it
anonymous 1 day ago
Heheheheh I knew someone needed this
Anonymous 22 hours ago
- Devs who constantly a use dev tools to cheat and repeatedly target players who aren't constantly aggro
- A dev who laughed after causing epileptic seizes with a failed night vision mode.
- A dev who fudges the legacy numbers of the game by purchasing and running 4000 Chinese Bots on spoof servers.
- A dev who allowed his best friend to be the financial manager of **** game and allowed him unlimited contact with minors while being aware his friend was a pedophile.
- A dev who stated he would leave his dog behind to die if he was ever attacked by a mountain lion
- A dev who purposefully allowed cheaters to run amok on his servers and even joined up with them to hunt down other players
- A dev whose friends online bullied a rape victim who then went on to commit suicide and then banned her husband when he went on to complain about how she was treated
- Over 10 pedo scandals involving various server owners and content creators, many whom are friends of the lead dev
- A lead dev who was seen on stream bragging about driving someone to suicide
- Lead dev implicated himself in a scam/scandal from several years ago where his name was in a screenshot displayed on Velocci's vid
anonymous 21 hours ago
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