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tiktok ban

yeah it sucks but given how many delusional ass christians have been on my fyp recently, i can't say i'd totally object to a tiktok ban. everyone knows that not interested button doesn't do shit so i just end up blocking probably 100 of those mf's per day. if tiktok gets banned, it's one less place for those weirdos to spew their bullshit. i wish i could report them for misinformation because that's really what it is, but others don't see it that way.
anonymous Religion December 20, 2024 at 2:05 am 0
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your probably the only one spreading misinformation by my guess
mr.whoever 3 months ago
Hatred, misinformation, disinformation and conspiracies are the new ham & eggs of the land and we must eat what is served up or starve.
anonymous 3 months ago
They got their tax free buildings to spew their hate in. But yet they think they need to be on social media... like seriously keep ur shitty book club crap in your churches. It doesnt belong anywhere else. But nope, they got to convert everyone....
Religions and it's people are worthless 3 months ago
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