People acting like the decade they grew up was the most perfect time. Free from any and all social issues and problems. Not like today. Today sucks. Blah blah blah.
People who genuinely believe this were spoiled and sheltered growing up and hate present day because they don't get to be a kid anymore.
Most people had a childhood that was sort of good sort of bad. They acknowledge the good and bad. Spoiled fucks glorify a coddled past. And people like me who had a horrible childhood are grateful for what few good memories they have, and can finally live now as an adult.
You can cherry pick music, movies, and games from a certain decade and act like it was some golden era. It wasn't. I assure you tons of shit was made in between the good.
Look at the 80s. Most glorified decade in history. People who were adults remember nothing but AIDS, Ronald Reagan, the Challenger blowing up, and shit like that. But to (spoiled) kids it was nothing but Smurfs, MTV, Pac Man, Atari, Michael Jackson, Miami Vice, and things like that. Reality, is there was good and bad, just like today. It's a matter of perception and what's going on in a person's life.
anonymousOther March 17, 2025 at 2:40 pm00
The past is owned by our owners and they will tell us what to believe transpired and how to behave based upon what we have been given to believe so that the beautiful rulers may deliver us into the future so we may better serve them there...praise them, praise them, worship the rulers....!! their wish is our command 14 hours ago
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their wish is our command 14 hours ago