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That part of Forrest Gump

That part of Forrest Gump

Where adult Jenny first gets to his house to mooch off of him, and he's all like "SHE SLEPT AND SLEPT LIKE SHE HADNT SLEPT IN YEARS." Saying it like there was something wrong with that. That always fucking pissed me off. She needed fucking sleep. She was a broken person who had spent the majority of her life trying to fix shit that happened to her, to no avail. SHE NEEDED SLEEP.

I think it just pisses me off because I used to get bitched at if I tried to sleep in the middle of the day. Or even in the morning, I'd get bitched at. I'd be expected to immedately prance out of bed, while everyone else in the house (especially those who'd bitch at me) would have to be begged as they'd act like a fucking baby. And then the way my mother would throw at fit if she ever was woken up. Yet, she'd fucking intentionally try to tourment people.

Needless to say my family was shit.
anonymous Other March 25, 2025 at 12:54 pm 0
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