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teen crush problems (pls help)

teen crush problems (pls help)

I hate when crushes give u mixed signals omg!!!! ok so basically theres this guy i like, lets call him bojack. ok so basically ive liked bojack since like spring sophmore yr. he found out i liked him ,bc apparently i made it obvious or whatever. (grr) so one of my bsfs who is bsf with bojack (lets call her sharkquiesha) was like hyping me up to him or wtv but he said nah idk her like that, bc the thing w him is he needs to get to know someone nefore even thinking abt liking them. so like okay, me being a rizzly bear im like i need to get closer w him and be his friend, so i did that and we are like friends and stuff now. BUT he always gives me mixed signals if he likes me or not. For example, me and bojack did a volunteer thing out of school and we talked the WHOLE time just us two it was so good hes so funny and hes so sweet (and so cute) and i realized how much i loved talking to him. before this it was kinda awk irl we would text more yk, but now we talk in person fine. But then after that he would just not text me back, and leave me on open BUT THEN HE WOULD SNAP AND TEXT ME FIRST LIKE HOURS AFTER. Another example is like at sharkquiesha's sweet 16 there was this girl who asked bojack to dance before i asked him to, but he was like ok sure ig and they dnaced for like 1 min. then he came over to ME and ASKED ME TO DANCE. LIKE???!! And he literally could not stop looking at me and he would just stare and stare and he always does that in the halls just stare and smile a little (not creepily) but then we took a selfie tg and i sent it to him AND HE SAVED IT TO CAMERA ROLL LIKE HELLO???? and he always sends me vids of his dog and we just have the best convos irl but over text its more like im interviewing him ykwim? theres a lot more lore to explain but its just too much. but idk i do not want to be delusional or hold onto hope that he mught like me bc appaently according to sharkquiesha, he never ever would make the first move (hes never had a gf or talking stage) and i would have to. so i am going to!!! bc i am SICK & TIRED OF HIS MIXED SIGNALS. I jsut want an answer atp like do u like me or not. if he doesnt like me, ok ill be sad for a bit but eventually move on. if he does, thats great!!! bc he told sharkquiesha hes too busy for a gf rn, but if u rly like someone u make time & effort fr them ykwim? Hopefully he likes me guys otherwise ill kms .... its jus hard bc were friends yk, and id he doesnt like me back its awkward and i ruined that friendship, and i love being his friend. UGH IDK SHOULD I COMFESS???? i would do it on a friday or the day after a school break bc im too scare dto see him if he said nah ur chopped. imagine omg. no hes like a sweet boy he would be like sorry idk u that well or something idk. i miss him. hes sooo tall... It hurts so bad bc I KNOWWWW we would be so good tg. Like i would treat him so good........ SIGHH i hate my lifeeee. sharkquiesha also is like so unsupportive, i feel like she doesnt want me liking bojack?? idk why i mean they r bsfs since like 6th grade but like idk.... ive been praying and praying for him to like me, to be given a sign. i dont know. Every notification on my phone i hope is him. i hate this sm i hate how he can control my feelings like brooo what. I be crying cux of him like hes literally gay bruh. (not rly) everytie i see him in the halls he says hey and i smile and he half smiles and hes so cute i just wanna hug him and kiss him now im crying again bc he mos def doesnt like me back. like its like 30% yes 70% no sigh i hate this so freaking muchhchhchchch i just wanna be his gf . Like . I DOnt want to be like talking stage forever Hell nah i wanna be locked in label and everything. hes alos like a private person and doesnt like pda and stuff which is fine bc same but idk. PLS HELP!!!! I was gonna confess the day of thanksgiving break (nov 27) after school so if he says nah then i dont see him for 4 days Lol.... kk bye guys pls help....!!!!
esli Crushes October 23, 2024 at 8:15 pm 1
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5 Rant Comments
anonymous 2 hours ago
I think he likes you, go for it
Jay 2 hours ago
No offense but he does not like you
quinn 2 hours ago
M O M M Y?
anonymous 1 hour ago
He fucking HATES you
anonymous 1 hour ago
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