I saw an article about how 400 celebrities including Ben Stiller and that guy who played on the movie where his out of shape ass got to fuck Emma Stone, they are begging Trump not to let AI "exploit" copyrighted works. Basically, protect them from being out of a job. Because Ben Stiller and his whole little "OHHH IM BEN STILLER AND ON EVERY MOVIE THERE HAS TO BE THIS SCENE WHERE I SCREAM AND WHINE AT PEOPLE" is so damn culturally relevant that it must be protected at all costs.
These are all the type of fucks who jumped the hating Trump bandwagon, and now they're trying to get his help. Fuck them. The only celebrity Trump should help is Rob Schneider because he actually fucking likes Trump and isn't a spineless candy ass like all of the others. These other people ragged on him because that's what all of their friends were doing, and now they're sticking their hands out.
anonymousPolitical March 18, 2025 at 2:26 pm02
2 Rant Comments
anonymous 12 hours ago
anonymous 11 hours ago