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some folks cant own up

some folks cant own up

really cannot even admit they have an issue that clearly bothers someone else let alone even do anything about it... this dude just deflects any form fo accountability for himself and his bad habits that i have voiced an issue with many times but time and time again he just acts like hes flawless. weird. im telling this dude he has a sleep problem that disrupts my night depends jf im asleep at night or not but the ignorance of the way he ignores the problem is baffling. he needs to be diagnosed with narcissism imho. or some type of disorder. he also fails to read the room. many times.

i dont like him he gives me the biggest ick next to my uncle who can sometimes be great but otherwise i still donf always like him esp not for his cheating that he used to do. considering they are grown men a lot of them act so irritating and dont own up to nothing they do.
anonymous Other March 04, 2025 at 5:50 pm 0
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