My cousin's were spoiled rotten. Everyone kissed their asses and went out of their way for them. Christmas gifts would have obsessive thought out into them. What would they get for everyone else? Gift cards, or savings bonds when those were still a thing. Really nice, you get to enjoy an actual item that people thought matched your taste, while you put zero thought into everyone else's shit.
Had a shitty boss who ever the first fucking thing he could grab multiple of from the Dollar Tree to his employees who he appreciated so much. Meanwhile the asskiss would organize it to where employees would chip in to get the boss an actual gift.
My estranged older sibling and I don't talk. They decided last minute to show up to Christmas last year. Gave me things that I know were intended for our dad. Shirt that was two sizes too big for me. Like I was an after thought.
Its supposed to be the thought that counts, and in all these cases it shows these people didn't care enough to think. They just gave something out of obligation.
anonymousRelationships March 11, 2025 at 1:55 pm00
You and all of us are obliged to immediately report all family, friends, co-workers, lovers and others for the potential that they may harbor thoughts that are dis-loyal, dis-obedient and clodifocitatious. anonymous 11 hours ago
Report yourself, Francis. I don't obey anyone subservient, fascist troll. anonymous 11 hours ago
2 Rant Comments
anonymous 11 hours ago
anonymous 11 hours ago