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Seeking advice

Seeking advice

CS major here, the uni I'm currently enrolled in is not the best reputed one. And there are rumours about getting rejected based on the uni and stuff. I should've checked thoroughly before getting into this uni.. but I can't blame myself either because I went through a lot back then, my parents wanted so much from me, more than I could provide. I should apply for internships now but I lack confidence to do so. Any advice for me? Thank you.

Also got an opportunity to apply for postgrad in UK I'm both excited and terrified.
Bonono School June 11, 2024 at 9:25 am 1
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1 Rant Comment
Absolute BS. Nobody is going to screen you if your skills are baddie. Just keep learning and you gonna get a good job pretty soon.

You-know-who 3 months ago
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