It seemed that my family and I, especially as everyone got older, only saw the really shitty movies in theaters. Lemme tell you how fucking awkward it is to sit through some of these movies, and then having to save face like the movie wasn't horrible.
We all went to see the Disney version of A Wrinkle In Time. The one that has bullshit short before the film, boasting about how progressive the film is for having a female director (OMG) ignore that there have been other female directors and good ones like Penny Marshall (she made Big, A League of their Own, and other well known good movies).
The movie was nothing but a circle jerk with Oprah and Mendy Khaling (remember when she was supposed to be a thing?) and other middle aged assholes all smelling each others farts. The whole message and concept of the film was something about negative thoughts stemming from evil or some shit. All I know is that the bully girl had a eating disorder, the boy who looked like a young Leonardo DeCaprio was verbally abused by his parents. The movie injected interracial relationships just to be "progressive" and if you had any issue with the movie it was because you were a biggot, and not at all because this movie was horrible.
So, we sat through this depressing ass slog. I heard it was absolutely nothing like the books, and thank God if that's true. No one remembers this film. I saw it and barely have any recollection besides how fucking awkward it was to see looking back. NO ONE went into a Disney movie expecting this kind of shit. I'd say this was probably the worst movie my family and I ever saw at a cinema.
anonymousRelationships March 22, 2025 at 3:58 am00
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