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Screw the church

Screw the church

Onward Christian soldier, with the Fun-Dies monstering the life out of everyone and everything. The moment you start to feel the least bit happy and free, a Fun-Die wants to tear you down put you in their shackles.I really hate Christianity now, seeing what it is doing to America.

Now that I said this, I wonder if there is going to be a huge wave of new Satanic metal bands as a rebellion.
anonymous Other March 16, 2025 at 1:41 pm 1
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9 Rant Comments
anonymous 11 hours ago
Churches have been dying for a long fucking time and I think the whole ideal of church being a cornerstone of a community was bullshit too.

Nothing but a place where phony, sick people are in charge and hide behind God. And everything is all about money. Spiritually starved people are used, and the sick fucks just keep on keeping on.

I'll probably never attend services again.
anonymous 11 hours ago
OP : Satan is as bogus as Jesus.
1st Comment : Fuck you.
2nd Comment : Bravo!
anonymous 10 hours ago
Worship and be faithful only to the Divine Emperor TRUMP and his Grande Duke Mussk and his High Cardinal Vannce....Obey and be loyal and give offerings of all your wealth.
anonymous 8 hours ago
^ It's the semi-literate version of knuckle-dragger Francis again. Under that name he refers to Fat and Elmo Hitler as emperor and Duke. He seriously believes that folks won't recognize they are one in the same.
anonymous 8 hours ago
wow. all these worshipters are the same peoples? poop on a stick!
anonymous 6 hours ago
Stretch, Yawn...liberal democrat who hates Christianity, loves Islam and all other religions. Wow, never heard of this, how refreshing
671 4 hours ago
"Churches have been dying for a long fucking time and I think the whole ideal of church being a cornerstone of a community was bullshit too."

I think that's why the creeps did everything to get Trump back into office, because they thought that somehow he would help them to monster people back into their churches. Except this shit is going to backfire big time.

The Onward Christian Soldier cunts never learn that bullying and monstering people around does not work in the long term and people get angry and fight back. Their religion is shit, the people running the churches are two faced shits, and the younger people caught into this. Just the Christian's use of the word "soldier" proves their mindset and yes, we have to fight these fucks off because they don't respect boundaries. They think it's a war and that they have the right to invade other people.

Honestly, I want to walk into a megachurch that is broadcasting mass live while wearing a huge red baphomet and blasting tunes from "Dark Funeral" or "Behemoth". I'm not a Satanist but I will become one if that's what it takes to fight these fucks off and get them the fuck off my grill.
anonymous 3 hours ago
"Stretch, Yawn...liberal democrat who hates Christianity, loves Islam and all other religions. Wow, never heard of this, how refreshing"

Oh great, another Francis. Just without the misspellings and mention of Dukes and Revenge Rangers.
anonymous 2 hours ago
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