Going to the vault for this one. These were retards at a job I was at like a year and a half ago.
One was a fat slob. He'd scratch his balls and stand there all the time, not working. Our work had to be done before we could leave. He'd get shitty and mad like a child when it would be coming close to our initially scheduled time to leave, if we still had a lot left. Maybe if you didn't take 25 bathroom breaks to play on your phone and constantly stand there telling retarded jokes to your pretend friends we'd have been done hours sooner. He'd do nothing but quote things like Talladega Nights. Retard. He also insisted on doing work in the way that would throw out one's back, all to save .5 seconds. Yet the hours added up by his constant slacking was to be ignored.
Other retard was an effeminate attention seeking little homo acting fuck. He'd do nothing but breathe on people with his shit breath, biting his nails, being rude to everyone. But OH he's quoting Harry Potter!!! Fun person over here. Such a fucking retard.
anonymousWork February 26, 2025 at 4:41 pm01
1 Rant Comment
anonymous 3 hours ago