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Really Fucked Up Justice System

Really Fucked Up Justice System

So I just read that some MS-13 guy in New York City, New York got sentenced to 60 years in prison for 6 MURDERS!!!!! So I'm amazed it wasn't life much less death. I guess human life is so cheap that you can murder someone and get a few years instead of at least the 50 they so richly deserve MINIMUM if it was like second degree which I think is unplotted. Third degree should be 20, along with the involuntaries as well. That's why people think it's a joke to go to jail, what with the fucking TABLETS with taxpayer paid PREMIUM UNLIMITED internet, and God knows what else. We're trying to be like Norway, where they have SUCH a sweet deal with a cell looking like it could come out of a millionaire family's kid's fucking room, you want to commit a crime to be sentenced in there FOR LIFE!!!! It needs to be more Bukele, the El Salvadoran president. Jail must be torturous and a fearful lesson for anyone going in there. Not this criminal coddling bullshit. This is why we have criminals plus nuts assailing our fucking country. Hopefully with Trump in office, judges and the law in general will get their act together and sentence these hopeless ass predator motherfuckers to the jail system they deserve. Truth is, regardless of what the mercy above all else regardless crowd says, with all sorts of pronouns and weird ass beliefs and masters or doctorates in societally useless studies while getting like $1 MILLION or more in student loan debt, these predators must be treated like the internal enemies they are, because as far as I'm concerned, the threat to us, thanks to Biden, is now internal. From within. And we need to act on that like yesterday like Penny did and many others who the pro crime law class wants to have them suffer what the THUGS should be suffering.
anonymous Other January 14, 2025 at 8:06 pm 0
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2 Rant Comments
folks in our camp are goofy happy that we showed them kalifornickans just how much we cristians stucks together on the good book by proving we is rite and denying any fire or food or shelter aid to y'all to prove we is cristians. go suck a egg. har.
pastor luggnuttz 2 months ago
From what I read about prison tablets, they are locked down more than an iPhone, and they are years behind in current technology. Also, there is no "unlimited internet" because that would be a huge breach of security and put people on the inside and out at great risk. It might have an intrAnet connection (different thing), which would be educational materials and whatever the prison has on their internal =no access to the outside world= servers for the inmates to access on these tablets.

They can E-mail, but they have to buy "stamps" (yes, in this crazy land where the locks are 3 times big and light fixtures are sealed in inmate proof enclosures, they have to pay to send E-mail), and the E-mail is read by a warden or some other cop figure who can veto what is being sent or received, and punish the inmate for what he or she tried to send.
anonymous 2 months ago
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