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Queer platonic partner is stupid

Queer platonic partner is stupid

I think “queer platonic partner” is really fucking stupid. Like I’m sure there’s something that really necessitates to be named something else but more than half the time it’s just a fucking friendship and I’m sick of people flinging around labels to make something seem more ~ queer~ and special than it already is! Jesus Christ.
anonymous Political May 04, 2024 at 6:32 am 0
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Well some gays want it actually. I see your point though I'm straight so for a gay like yourself can see why you think shouldn't bother but also there is companionship, risk of HIV... so there is that especially for you ****. So I mean I can see why so.e gays want to have exclusive relationships.
anonymous 2 weeks ago
I don't care what orientation someone is but stop flaunting it around like it's some sort of special badge. And no wonder the Trump MAGAs are so powerful despite them being a bunch of fucking morons. The wokies just keep adding fuel to the MAGA fire, giving the MAGAs more excuses and encouragement to railroad America into a fascist regime under Trump.

The world would be a far better place if both the Wokies and MAGAs would shut up forever.
anonymous 2 weeks ago
“Well some gays want it actually. I see your point though I'm straight so for a gay like yourself can see why you think shouldn't bother but also there is companionship, risk of HIV... so there is that especially for you ****. So I mean I can see why so.e gays want to have exclusive relationships.”

I think you don’t understand what I’m saying at all lol.
anonymous 2 weeks ago
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