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Pulling the heritage card

Pulling the heritage card

Someone American as can be who is like 3rd generation in this country. How they pick and choose when to apply the heritage card to act special. I can't stand that shit.

Like if I went to Taco Land or maple syrup land, or Chong Chong City and raised kids there and those kid's kid's, after embracing this other countries customs their whole life decide "I'm American" and started playing the theme song from Team America: World Police, that'd be fucking annoying and retarded.

Don't do that here, I wouldn't do it anywhere.
anonymous Political March 25, 2025 at 3:07 pm 0
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Kind of like on these shitty sitcoms, they randomly have an episode where the token Mexican or whatever celebrates their "Key-sin-yair-uh" and they use an exaggerated accent the whole time. Then find out they've never even fucking been out of the county ever.
anonymous 14 hours ago
the guy what said "B" is for rulers is rite. "B"ullies, "B"ullion, "B"osses" "B"illionairs
anonymous 12 hours ago
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