I am planning on quitting my job in a few months. I think everybody already knows. I haven't officially put forward any notice yet till I get solid confirmation.
Bye Bye
anonymousWork January 28, 2025 at 6:46 pm00
I'm glad you're saying it here as if you're leaving here. Also, that's common sense smart. Say nothing until you have a firm offer that you know as much as possible can't be taken back. Like with me. I hope that you were a great worker and that you had a rainy day nest egg, such as it can last you 6 months or more, and that you had as little extraneous debt as possible, only mandatory debt like utilities and rent. Trust no job, as it is not your daddy or parent overall. Work to make investments so that you can either weather getting laid off or fired, or just live off it altogether and fuck doing jobs for money where there's the high probability they'll treat you like a slave. If being idle isn't your thing, then do volunteer work. Well, good luck with your potential new job. I know you'll do great, and even better if you already knew or now know what I stated here. anonymous 1 day ago
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anonymous 1 day ago