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People only care about babies not born yet

People only care about babies not born yet

People only care about not killing babies not born yet. When crazy cults like Jehovah's Witnesses murder pregnant mothers and kids that are already born by not allowing them to get a blood transfusion they say screw those pregnant mothers and kids, let them die. All these pro-life people pretend they care so much about babies, but the second they are born they no longer give a shit. Give them money for formula? Hell no that's socialism. Let them die but not allowing a blood transfusion, hell yeah kill that kid, that's freedom of religion. The hypocrisy
anonymous Political May 27, 2018 at 11:30 am 22
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13 Rant Comments
How about the parents get a fucking job instead of eating glue and expect to sponge off the rest of us. Who said choosing life means choosing sponging the two are two different things. Socialism is slavery to the state with no remuneration or compensation. Choosing life to compassion for those in need, and for their own unlike the scum Soviets who belong at the end of a bullet.
anonymous 6 years ago
To the comment above I agree fuck socialism, but also stop BITCHING ABOUT ABORTIONS! GET MORE ABORTIONS PEOPLE! OVERPOPULATION SUCKS!
anonymous 6 years ago
People care about abortions because they think there lives are sooooooooooo important. They matter soooooo much. When they die the world will change soooooooooooo much. And those babies will grow up and be soooooooooooo important like them...... Billions of humans infesting the Earth matters soooooooooo much. We need Billions more
anonymous 6 years ago
set an example and kill yourself than.
anonymous 6 years ago
Post above if the perfect example why the earth doesn’t need anymore shitty humans. The current humans don’t even care about other current ones that are already living.
anonymous 6 years ago
The last comment is a good example of an anarchist scum who values human life less than animals. They have extreme far left views and doesn't surprise anyone that those scum have been blowing up civilians in shopping centres for the past 100 years... they are the lowest of scum on earth the slime of humanity and should all be culled by firing squad, course it is nothing more than what they would have done to the rest of us.
anonymous 6 years ago
guy above is a lying faag trying to fuck dudes in another post
anonymous 6 years ago
Eh. Abortions are sometimes the only answer, for fks sake. Ectopic, or some other abnormality that cannot be made right. Stillborn because of stupidity, forcing the woman to carry a baby to term thats born dead because of a complication. I believe that we, as a culture, need to define exactly when a fetus becomes a viable baby.
Then determine what can be done at what stage.
Pro-lifers are certainly anything but. Hypocrits and controllers with a holier-than-thou complex. Not all resort to violence, but they sure put on the show for it.
Someone commented about human life placed below animals.
PETA... dont even get me started. Same with GreenPeace. And all the changes to the NRA, which started out great but now is nothing but propaganda and fear-mongering.
Why must they always end up defying themselves?!?
V 6 years ago
Hope y’all get stabbed when getting them coat hanger abortions... those babies dont deserve disgusting cunts like you as mothers
Jesus 6 years ago
Why not refrain from cussing and actually talk it out? Pro-choice, let the women choose. If a woman gets raped and wants the kid gone, let the woman abort the fetus. Sure, it can cause depression because that's how the bodies work but I wouldn't want a representation of rape by my side, even if it's innocent.
Of course, the kid should have a chance at life... and also there are a shit ton of irresponsible teenagers who make dumbass decisions. And at that point, I see the pro-life point and maybe each case should be decided separately.

But making it so everyone MUST have the baby? No way, that stuff is painful as hell, and to have to give birth because of some deprived and disgusting man who slipped a drug in my drink while I was in the restroom? And to have that shit's genes walking around and demanding that I take care of them? No way in hell. Sorry, I'm not a selfless fool.

Uh, anyways... lol, this isn't a conversation that needs a bunch of people to curse each other out... it needs intelligent discussion.
anonymous 6 years ago
(The) (i)(s)(l)(e) (d)(e)(v) (D)(o)(n)(a)(l)(d) (W)(i)(t)(t)(i)(c)(h) (a)(n)(d) (R)(o)(s)(a)(l)(i)(e) (P)(a)(l)(i)(n) (g)(o)(t) (a) (s)(w)(e)(e)(t) (l)(o)(v)(e) (p)(a)(d) (a)(t) (4)(5)(5)(6) (L)(a)(k)(e)(s) (E)(d)(g)(e) (A)(p)(t) (1)(6) (W)(e)(s)(t) (C)(h)(e)(s)(t)(e)(r) (O)(H) (4)(5)(0)(6)(9). (P)(h)(o)(n)(e) (N)(u)(m)(b)(e)(r)(s). (1)-((5)(4)(0)) (8)(2)(5)-(0)(1)(1)(6).
anonymous 5 months ago
^ Fuck off and die, turd!
anonymous 5 months ago
No thanks pus gaping assbutt. (The) (i)(s)(l)(e) (d)(e)(v) (D)(o)(n)(a)(l)(d) (W)(i)(t)(t)(i)(c)(h) (a)(n)(d) (R)(o)(s)(a)(l)(i)(e) (P)(a)(l)(i)(n) (g)(o)(t) (a) (s)(w)(e)(e)(t) (l)(o)(v)(e) (p)(a)(d) (a)(t) (4)(5)(5)(6) (L)(a)(k)(e)(s) (E)(d)(g)(e) (A)(p)(t) (1)(6) (W)(e)(s)(t) (C)(h)(e)(s)(t)(e)(r) (O)(H) (4)(5)(0)(6)(9). (P)(h)(o)(n)(e) (N)(u)(m)(b)(e)(r)(s). (1)-((5)(4)(0)) (8)(2)(5)-(0)(1)(1)(6).
anonymous 5 months ago
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