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Passive aggressive much?

Passive aggressive much?

Who the hell keeps count of how many spoons and forks they got?

Like bro, relax, I had a spoon in my bedroom for like 15 minutes after I finished eating and my dad is freaking out like they’re lost.

He’s like: “We are missing 2 large spoons. If you have them in your rooms, please wash them and return them sometime tomorrow. We are all adults, I really don’t wanna go through loosing silverware. Same with glass cups. If you take them to your rooms return them. You shouldn’t have more than one in your rooms at anyone time. “

Knowing how aggressive his personality is, that doesn’t at all make me wanna return them immediately. I was going to do it within the next hour before his text but now I’m definitely waiting till early morning tomorrow before he wakes up.

He knows why the hell he had to text us instead of just telling us in person, it’s because he’s got a ridiculous rage over petty things like this. He’s probably having a heart attack over this in the living room right now thinking we have no intention of returning his spoons.

For starters, if he was wondering what the hell happened to his last set, he gave them to my mom when she divorced him, and then some more to the lady he’s currently dating , does he not remember that?

His frustration has nothing to do with me and my brothers behavior. Whatever spoons me and my brother use may only ever be missing for perhaps an hour and 30 minutes at max but they’re still here.

Like tell me you’re old without telling me you’re old.

The guy just sits and watches tv all day. Doesn’t have a social life and has the nerve to blow up over a fucking spoon or some other petty shit. He goes from 0-100 over a fucking monopoly game too.

Like okay dude, I’ll go buy my own fucking 6 spoons and do as I see fit with those.

It’s not so much that I have a problem with his rules, but it’s his outrageous responses to small things like this.

It’s a fucking spoon for fucks sake and it’s getting him all bent out of shape

It’d be one thing if he had communicated this expectation from the beginning but to suddenly get upset about this and then act as if it somehow makes us less than an adult is just small minded.

If you’d look at Albert Einstein desk, it often wasn’t organized. So somebody like a normie might regurgitate whatever a pop culture figure like Jordan Peterson would say like “make your bed”and assume Einstein was an idiot for having a messy desk.

If that affects your ability to life then that’s just you homie. I can still focus if my desk looks like a mess. Is this some OCD thing or something?

Did the messiness on your desk jump into your brain and physically smash it into mush? Are the pencils yelling at you? Are the pencils hacking your brain?

God forbid I have an apple sitting on my desk because my desk is not a fruit basket?

Just ranting Home March 29, 2025 at 1:18 am 0
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2 Rant Comments
If they’re in your room, they’re not even lost, just not where he wants them to be. I’m pretty sure this is a coping mechanism to bring back a sense if control after the divorce.
anonymous 3 days ago
Nice quality basic flatware is kind of pricey, meaning the ones that won't bend in two when trying scoop out some frozen ice cream. And so is the drinkware, meaning the ones that won't shatter when ice is dropped into it from the fridge dispenser. He might have just realized that after having given some away thinking he'd just replace them for a couple of bucks for something new better to his liking, so now he's more careful of them. Kitchen flatware is used by people in the home all the time as tools. The case knives to tighten screws, spoon as small space flower pot shovels, etc.
anonymous 2 days ago
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