I was at the check out at Winners. A Russian or Ukrainian couple were looking at me. I was the only Indian girl there. The were discussing me. The lady was going on that if I was slim, I would be perfect for modelling with my height. I am close to 40 years old. The lady probably needs her head examined. Most models do not have careers after the age of 21 years. I had a roommate, who was a model. She only ate 7 to 8 meals in the whole week. Her meals were not large like mine. She had no interest in food. I knew another female model and 2 male models. I used to have a crush on the male model when I was young. Everybody is not Gisele Bundchen. Eventually models end up getting normal jobs like us. My parents keep telling me to become slim and say that if I were slim I would look like a 'model'. Seems like the whole world wants to see me slim down. The pressure on women to slim down is huge. There are not many brown Indian models who have made it big big like walking in Milan or Paris. I am mix - I look like a mixture of North Indian, South Indian and North East Indian. I am me. anonymousBody March 19, 2025 at 11:33 pm01
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