I'm fixing kick plates and doors and some pregnant fat fuck heifer demands I move from her walk way. It's a 10ft wide hall and no one is coming either direction behind me. I ask is this your office door she replied with no. So I told her, sorry you can walk around me since I have my equipment cart and tools on the ground.
She said no and demanded I move and move my things. I responded no I will not, I have a job to do and it's far more important than her .
Bitch goes on a rant about no one respects her or her pregnancy and other bullshit.
I call my boss, he comes over and asks her to walk around or he'll get the cops to get remove her.
"I'm pregnant! I demand to have my way, I'm important!"
Boss laughs at her, I laugh at her.
"Theres a reason why no one gives a fuck about pregnant people anymore, it's cause you think you're entitled to boss others around just cause you got on your back with no effort. Stop bothering me worker or we're gonna have problems. Your not special, your a bitch."
Like seriously, why do pregnant people think they deserve special rights... You fucking don't.
Honestly don't see the need to have kids when they're used for armed practice at schools. But okay, keep having those kids you pez dispensers
Annoyed repairmanOther January 30, 2025 at 11:27 pm01
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