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Nice job, assholes

Nice job, assholes

You are not allowed to bitch about the birthrate decline if you are against abortion, and you deserve to be punched in the face if you do. I am sick of seeing tools complaining about how women "just want to have abortions to fuck around" when women are dying from compromised pregnancies when abortion can save them. What is the point of two people dying, especially when you scream until you are blue in the face, that the fetus has rights? Anyone with a brain knew overturning Roe V. Wade, strict abortion bans, and disbanding Planned Parenting would result in this.
Because of Pro-Lifers and anti-abortion laws, women are afraid of having children because of prosecution, either for the mother or doctor, if an abortion has to be done or the fetus dies, and lack of care for the mother when something goes wrong. They are literally being told their lives do not matter when the fetus' life is more valued than their own. I'm glad I'm childfree because I can't imagine the fear and sorrow women who want children feel because of this. I would also be among those who refuse to have children until I know for sure I would be cared for if something went wrong.
If you're pro-life or anti-abortion, these deaths are on your hands. You are so short-sighted that you have doomed the birthrate of this country and caused so many unnecessary deaths. Women who wanted children or decided to go through with the pregnancy WILLINGLY due to their religious beliefs have died from delayed treatment due to legislation put into place that blocks doctors from actually helping them without risking their careers. I can't imagine the pressure they're under and the mental distress they go through knowing they could have helped someone, but it was illegal. Guess what? It's not on the doctor that this happened! It's on the people who put this crap into government laws!
"Allowing abortion to protect the mother" doesn't work because nothing in legislation is clear enough to put that into effect. When you are so hellbent on valuing the fetus more than the person who is carrying it, your priorities are fucked.
Disgusted Political February 13, 2025 at 2:18 pm 1
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