You popped into my head at work. I hate being an adult and still haunted by you and your abuse. "See a therapist" doesn't work, especially when 99.999o% of them are naive as fuck drug addicts who think life is as black and white as it is on TV.
I take some solstice in the fact I have done better than you, although that's not much of a bench mark. You were supposed to succeed, I was supposed to fail. I exceeded all odds and expectations, while you sit on your ass and will willingly never do anything with your life. Not even hold a job.
I hate how you pretend to be nice to me now. You're dead to me and when you do die and go to hell I'll feel probably how Robin did on Batman Forever when Two Face fell into the hole. I hate you. The time for you being nice was when I was a child and all you did was beat up on me and call me every name in the book. So, fuck you and your fake ass shit.
Don't talk to me again.
anonymousRelationships March 23, 2025 at 4:13 pm10
I heard they're moving to Oregon. Go. Please go. I'm sure moving two states over is really a fresh start for an unemployable cunt like you. anonymous 2 days ago
All person that move to wherever else are subject to search and seizure and strip mining of they privates as that is the new kingdom and just eat it and shuts up anonymous 2 days ago
2 Rant Comments
anonymous 2 days ago
anonymous 2 days ago