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My curly haired baby.

My curly haired baby.

I know that I haven't been the perfect girl for you and that it was hard knowing especially that we were in a Catholic school and wlw relationships were an absolute no, but I'd like to let you know how I was willing to risk and take a chance again for you, but guess where I am now? :)) Bitterly regretting everything and losing my self respect and myself overall. My memories are a bit fuzzy but everytime I hear your name, all those memories and pain that you've caused to me comes crashing back to me and I'm back to phase 1. Pero I know that I've moved on, I don't yearn for you nor your touch anymore, I don't wait for you to call me baby. But I can't stop the bitter taste of regret as to why I took things seriously when in the end I'll be known as one of your ex's to your new girl. Honestly I'd like to tell you all of this in person, but I'm afraid that nothing would come out of my mouth, I can't even bring myself to describe my situation and my past experiences with you, but one thing is for sure, You've bruised my heart deeply and now I don't even know how to love myself, The biggest thing though? Was the real decrease in my ego once you found a new girl, your best friend. It's hard, in my opinion I wouldn't want you both to last, I wouldn't want you both to find happiness in each other, but no matter what I know that couldn't happen because I wouldn't want either you or her to be in my situation, I just hope that you treat her better than you did to me.
anonymous Dating October 23, 2024 at 12:21 pm 1
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1 Rant Comment
There is no such thing as perfect. BE YOU. Do not put your self worth in the hands of another, especially a stupid guy. Seriously, in a couple years from now you will look back in disgust. You are woman, you are unique, you are valuable, you are worthy. Go conquer your dreams and don't let ANYONE stand in your way. You have the power. And, the best advice you will get is right now, right here, in this sentence, DO NOT ANSWER THE PHONE OR THE DOOR WHEN HE COMES BACK! And he will, trust me. DO NOT DO IT.
The best revenge is to live well, now go be your awesome self and don't look back!
Wise woman 25 minutes ago
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