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My brother is a dumbass pathetic idiot

My brother is a dumbass pathetic idiot

Hi, I don't know why I hate my brother so much. Sometimes I just wanna take a knife and kill him off like I don't even care if I go to jail I just want him to die you know. apparently he's super caring and loving whatever but whenever I look at his his face, I just wanna tear it open and like not see it anymore like he's so pathetic. He cry every single time and he's a guy and he's not even tall he talk with the Vietnamese southern accent, which is so disgusting. He's super dumb. Well he's not super dumb but I don't like him anyways he's academically inferior than me and he is always super close to Mom. I think he's super dependent like he's not independent at all. He always be complaining about cleaning and working even though he has to do it and bcs his pigsty, duh. Everyday, I wish he would go to hell. I said that to him of multiple time. I hit him because he keeps on provoking me. He's makes my eyes super itchy, and I wish I can never see him again. He was complaining about cleaning the toilet and im hope he's going to bankrupt or die in the way of making money or something. I don't like him actually no I hate him I want him to die. thanks. He's currently crying to Mom right now and I'm here wishing him to die. Oh well whatever. love yaaaah
yuh yuh Other November 20, 2023 at 10:58 pm 0
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1 Rant Comment
That's a little extreme. Did he at least do something to make you feel such extreme emotions?
anonymous 11 months ago
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