Typical girl at work:
"No, just because I flirt with other men does not give you have any right right to my my time or body!, So No! I am not going out with you for a drink. I don't give a shit if it's only a drink. I know what a drink leads to and I a not the least bit interested! stop bothering me you ugly bastard".
Same cunt: "Can you walk me to my car? Please? It's dark and it's a bad neighborhood"
Me: "NO! Just because I am a man it does not give you the right to my time or my body! So No! I am not going to expose my security or physical integrity for yours, especially if you don't have the courtesy of even a smile when you see me. I am not the least bit interested! Stop bothering you entitled hag"
You have no idea how good this interaction felt.
mos defDating January 22, 2025 at 11:54 am11
yeah, no one does this at work anymore. You're stupid anonymous 1 hour ago
Why do women feel entitled to a man's body? How is that ok? Rob 37 minutes ago
All bodies of the lower class castes belong to the Grate Trump and must do as told and produce as commanded and whine not at all because the master needs billions of babies to march to conquest as he takes the beaches, the mountains and the very sky and air for his own as all high intends. anonymous 28 minutes ago
Okay she is a prick tease which shows shes a bitch. You are being kind of a asshole too. You deserve eachother but she did start it. I think actually its sad. Because if she was a nice person she might not be interested but say so nicely and you might kearn to be a gentleman. You don't own her body democrat incel guy.... of should I say scott...but you should walk her to the car even if you have no romantic interest because it is about beinv z good person and who you are... but unfortunately thats a jerk... and shes a bitch by thd sounds of how she talks anonymous 28 minutes ago
Any woman that behaves like this has no value to society and should be raped and murdered and her corpse should be left to rot in an alley for rats to feast. Those rats are worth more than her. Meltrone 18 minutes ago
5 Rant Comments
anonymous 1 hour ago
Rob 37 minutes ago
anonymous 28 minutes ago
anonymous 28 minutes ago
Meltrone 18 minutes ago