shut ur broke ass up imagine not having normal clothes to wear. if u havent spent ur life drinking and rotting away uneducated then mayeb ur lonely ass wouldnt be sitting in a some fast food chain for ur monthly meal that isnt free handouts. everyone around u worked hard with the intent to not end up like u so dont blame others u failed ur life and disapointed everyone. learn to respect the people studying hard to enjoy their time after a day of work since all u do is become a burden to society. next time u will face people without much to lose and theyll beat ur ass up and leave u on the street. enjoy tasting blood and concrete jerk. if u walk around coco curry again then u better learn to stfu and respect the people who pay for ur broke taxpayer wasting ass and enjoy eating ur untoasted sandwiches while we study at the largest companies
anonymousOther March 14, 2025 at 10:44 am00
1 Rant Comment
anonymous 4 hours ago